Contact Haka

Contact HAKA

Outsourcing and realize purchasing savings on your metal products?

Please contact us or fill in the contact form below. We are ready for all your custom-made questions in metal. We take care of everything from drawing to delivery. We are excited!

The combination of 20 years of (international) experience in the various sectors (construction, infrastructure, agricultural sector and industry) combined with specialist and technical knowledge makes HAKA your partner for a step forward.
“A upane! Ka upane”.


Metalen constructiedelen uitbesteden

Invoice and visiting address HAKA group

HAKA building equipment b.v.
Kwikstraat 7
8211 AM Lelystad
+31 (0)85 0432400
KvK 74547186
BTW nr. NL859943537B01

HAKA specials b.v.
Kwikstraat 7
8211 AM Lelystad
+31 (0)85 0432400
KvK 74547402
BTW nr. NL859943586B01

HAKA projects b.v.
Kwikstraat 7
8211 AM Lelystad
+31 (0)85 0432400
KvK 74398091
BTW nr. NL859880874B01

Arjan Hazelhoff
Marcel van de Kamp HAKA metalworks

Do you have questions? Fill in the contact form and we will answer you as soon as possible.

    Name (required)

    Company Name

    E-mail (required)

    Phone Number
